Call for SSB Symposia and Workshops for the
2025 Evolution Meeting
The 2025 joint meeting of the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) with the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN) will be held in Athens, GA, USA from June 20, 2025 to June 24, 2025.
If you are interested in organizing either a symposium or workshop, please submit a brief proposal to the SSB program director.
Symposia are half-day events. They often consist of half-hour talks. The talks should be related to a common theme, which can be any research area in systematics. SSB can cover up to $10,000 of expenses per symposium.
Workshops usually take place on the first day of the joint meeting. They can be half-day or full-day. Workshop organizers can decide on the format that best suits the needs of their workshop. Funding for workshops is also available; a proposed budget should be included in the proposal based on the number of presenters and other needs of the workshop.
It is crucial that symposium and workshop organizers ensure that the events include a diverse group of scientists.
To submit a proposal, send the following information to [email protected] (questions about symposia can also be sent to that address) by November 15th, 2025. PDF format is preferred.
Symposium proposals should include:
1. Names and affiliations for the organizers and planned speakers
2. A title for the symposium
3. A brief summary of the theme of the symposium and justification that the theme should be hosted at the Evolution meeting.
4. Preliminary titles or topics for the invited speakers.
5. Indication of which speakers have committed to participating vs those who are considering participating.
6. A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement explaining how the organizers have made (and will continue to make) participation in the symposium inclusive.
Workshop proposals should include:
1. Names and affiliations for the organizers and planned speakers
2. A title for the workshop
3. A brief summary of the theme of the workshop and justification that the theme should be hosted at the Evolution meeting.
4. Brief description of the proposed structure of the workshop.
5. A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement explaining how the organizers have made (and will continue to make) participation in the workshop inclusive.
6. An estimate of the financial support from SSB that the workshop would need.