Code of Conduct Policy
The Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation at Society meetings. Behavior that undermines the integrity of intellectual discourse and interactions will not be tolerated at Society meetings.
Evolution 2024 (Montréal, Québec, Canada)
The annual Evolution meetings were held both online (June 27-28, 2024) and in person in Montréal (June 26-30, 2024), in conjunction with the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). Some highlights of the meeting included:
Talks archived on YouTube can be viewed here:
Virtual Evolution
In-Person Evolution Plenaries
In-Person Evolution Concurrent Sessions
- IDEA Award Plenary: "How Gould & Indigenous Perspectives Led a Trailer Park Kid to Evolution & Equity in Science" by Corey Welch of Iowa State University
- SSB Presidential Address: "Exploring Some Uncomfortable Truths About Species" by David Baum, SSB Past President
- Announcement of the SSB Presidents' Award for Lifetime Achievement to Scott Edwards of Harvard University
- Announcement of the SSB Ernst Mayr Award to Heru Handika of Louisiana State University and Jerrica Jamison of the University of Toronto
- SSB DEIC-sponsored symposium: "Approaches to DEI initiatives in evolution and systematics for different cultural and national contexts."
Talks archived on YouTube can be viewed here:
Virtual Evolution
In-Person Evolution Plenaries
In-Person Evolution Concurrent Sessions
2023 SSB Standalone Meeting (México City, México)
The fifth SSB standalone meeting will be held on the campus of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in México City, México on Jan. 14th and 15th, 2023. Pre-meeting workshops will be held on Jan. 12th and 13th.
Visit the meeting website to learn more! Submission of talk abstracts, as well as proposals for forums and workshops, will open on September 15th, 2022 with a submission deadline of October 15th. |
Evolution 2022 (Cleveland, OH)
The annual Evolution meetings were held both online (June 21-22, 2022) and in person in Cleveland, OH (June 24-28, 2022), in conjunction with the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). Post-conference registration ($20) is still open for those who want to view recorded talks until the end of 2022!
Highlights of the meeting for SSB members included:
Highlights of the meeting for SSB members included:
- pre-meeting workshops
- outstanding student talks in the Ernst Mayr Award Symposium
- the SSB Presidential Address by Past President Laura Kubatko
- the Tri-Society DEI symposium on field safety and ethics
- the SSB symposium, "How do we make decisions about data and analyses in systematic biology? It depends!"
- the SSB symposium, "Towards the Network of Life: Phylogenetic networks as a tool to understand complex evolutionary histories"
- the IDEA Award Lecture by Dr. Adriana Briscoe
- the SSB member's business meeting
- the Evolution's Rainbow event
- a wide variety of excellent contributed talks on systematics, phylogenetics, macroevolution, and comparative methods
- the closing super social at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Evolution 2021 (Online)
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the 2021 Evolution meetings were held entirely online. The full meeting program is available here. Plenary talks from the meeting, including the SSB Presidential Address by Past President Erika Edwards and the IDEA Award Lecture by Rich Kliman and former SSB President Scott Edwards, are available to watch here. The Story Collider at Evolution 2021
2020 SSB Standalone Meeting (Gainesville, FL)
The Society of Systematic Biologists held its 4th standalone meeting in January 2020 in Gainesville, FL.
Attendees attended workshops across a number of disciplines. Lightning talks and posters highlighting recent research across the society were presented, and discussion forums focused on several topics were held! More Info: SSB 2020 in Gainesville. |
Evolution 2019 (Providence, RI)
The annual Evolution meetings were held June 21-25, 2019, in Providence, Rhode Island. The Evolution meetings are co-sponsored by the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), and the Society for Systematic Biologists (SSB). Please visit the meeting website for more information, and #Evol2019 for meeting tweets and photos.
The Story Collider at Evolution 2019 |
2018 SSB Standalone Meeting (Columbus, OH)

SSB held its third standalone meeting June 1-4, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio. The meeting included a series of workshops, discussions, and presentations encompassing the latest research in systematic biology. The full program is available here. Discussion forums included:
- Model-based inference vs. data mining/machine learning techniques (Laura Kubatko, Cécile Ané, Joe Rusinko)
- Panel discussion on publishing your work in Systematic Biology (former Editors-in-Chief, including Andy Anderson and Jack Sullivan)
- Additional topics such as facilitating undergraduate research, funding systematic biology, and the future of taxonomy.
2018 Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (Montpellier, France)
The Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (Evolution 2018) was held in Montpellier, France (18-22 August 2018). Joint Congresses take place every six years and bring together four of the world's largest academic societies in the field of evolutionary biology: the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), and the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB). The First Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology was held in Ottawa, Canada in 2012.
The Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (Evolution 2018) was held in Montpellier, France (18-22 August 2018). Joint Congresses take place every six years and bring together four of the world's largest academic societies in the field of evolutionary biology: the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), and the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB). The First Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology was held in Ottawa, Canada in 2012.
Evolution 2017 (Portland, Oregon)
This is our annual joint meeting, held in collaboration with the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). More information about this meeting is here. You can see many recorded talks here.
This is our annual joint meeting, held in collaboration with the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). More information about this meeting is here. You can see many recorded talks here.
2017 SSB Standalone Meeting (Baton Rouge, LA)
The second SSB standalone meeting was held Jan. 8-10, 2017, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It features workshops, lightning talks, and debates. Follow #SSB2017 on twitter for updates!
Evolution 2016 (Austin, Texas)Evolution 2016 was held June 17-21, 2016, in Austin, Texas. This meeting was co-sponsored by the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), and the Society for Systematic Biologists (SSB).
Please see the meeting website for all the details. |
Evolution 2015 (Guarujá, Brazil)
2015 SSB Standalone Meeting (Ann Arbor, MI)
A very successful SSB standalone meeting was held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor May 20-22, 2015. The meeting comprised workshops, panel discussions, lightning talks, and a reception in Dinosaur Hall of the Museum of Zoology.
Please visit the meeting website for more information. |