Word Cloud from 2024 Members Meeting when participants were asked, "Why should somebody join or renew a membership in SSB?"
Benefits of Being a Member
- Online and/or print access to Systematic Biology, the most highly cited primary research journal in the fields of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. See the JOURNAL menu item above for more information about the Society's journal.
- Members do not have to pay page charges and receive a 20% discount on open-access fees when publishing in Systematic Biology.
- Annual meetings for exchange of ideas and networking with the top scientists in systematics and evolution. Members get reduced meeting fees and smaller stand-alone meetings are restricted to members. See the MEETINGS menu item above for more information.
- Access to Travel Awards, Research Awards, and Research Funds in systematic biology and phylogenetics. See the AWARDS menu item above for more information.
- Participation in one of our workshops on phylogenetic methods, often held at the annual Evolution Meeting.
- Join a group of scientists pushing for improvements in how we do biology, whether it is through open access (Systematic Biology is OA Green: all articles are available to all one year after publication, with no cost to authors, and authors can choose to pay a fee to release them earlier), promoting reproducibility (SSB is a charter member of Dryad, an online repository of data from scientific publications), organizing and co-sponsoring events to promote women and other underrepresented groups in science, and sponsoring the Phyloseminar series to allow anyone to see cutting edge phylogenetics talks.
- We have special rates for students, options for multi-year memberships, and even affordable lifetime memberships.
- Our society is big enough to have an impact, but small enough that every voice matters. Join us!
Please choose the membership category that best suits your situation and desired benefits.
Global Assistance Membership Program
The SSB Global Membership Assistance (GMA) Program offers discounted membership to students, researchers, and educators in 152 countries and territories around the world based on World Bank classifications. Check the list of countries below to see if you are eligible.
GMA Group 1: 50% Discount on SSB Membership
Albania |
Brazil |
Ecuador |
Indonesia |
Libya |
Nauru |
Samoa |
Turkey |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Bulgaria |
Equatorial Guinea |
Islamic Republic of Iran |
Lithuania |
North Macedonia |
Serbia |
Turkmenistan |
Argentina |
Chile |
Fiji |
Iraq |
Malaysia |
Palau |
Seychelles |
Tuvalu |
Armenia |
China |
Gabon |
Jamaica |
Maldives |
Panama |
South Africa |
Uruguay |
Azerbaijan |
Colombia |
Georgia |
Jordan |
Marshall Islands |
Paraguay |
St. Lucia |
Venezuela |
Belarus |
Costa Rica |
Grenada |
Kazakhstan |
Mauritius |
Peru |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Belize |
Cuba |
Guatemala |
Kosovo |
Mexico |
Qatar |
Suriname |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Dominica |
Guyana |
Latvia |
Montenegro |
Romania |
Thailand |
Botswana |
Dominican Republic |
Hungary |
Lebanon |
Namibia |
Russian Federation |
Tonga |
GMA Group 2: 100% Discount on SSB Membership
Afghanistan |
Cameroon |
Ethiopia |
Kyrgyz Republic |
Morocco |
São Tomé and Principe |
Togo |
Algeria |
Central African Republic |
The Gambia |
Lao PDR |
Mozambique |
Senegal |
Tunisia |
American Samoa |
Chad |
Ghana |
Lesotho |
Myanmar |
Sierra Leone |
Uganda |
Angola |
Comoros |
Guam |
Liberia |
Nepal |
Solomon Islands |
Ukraine |
Bangladesh |
Dem. Rep. Congo |
Guinea |
Madagascar |
Nicaragua |
Somalia |
US Virgin Islands |
Benin |
Rep. Congo |
Guinea-Bissau |
Malawi |
Niger |
South Sudan |
Uzbekistan |
Bhutan |
Côte d'ivoire |
Haiti |
Mali |
Nigeria |
Sri Lanka |
Vanuatu |
Bolivia |
Djibouti |
Honduras |
Mariana Islands |
Pakistan |
Sudan |
Vietnam |
Burkina Faso |
Arab Rep. Egypt |
India |
Mauritania |
Papua New Guinea |
Syrian Arab Rep. |
West Bank and Gaza |
Burundi |
El Salvador |
Kenya |
Fed. Sts. Micronesia |
Philippines |
Tajikistan |
Rep. Yemen |
Cabo Verde |
Eritrea |
Kiribati |
Moldova |
Puerto Rico |
Tanzania |
Zambia |
Cambodia |
Eswatini |
Dem. People's Rep. Korea |
Mongolia |
Rwanda |
Timor-Leste |
Zimbabwe |
NOTE: If you are already a member of SSB and want to renew your membership or manage your profile, log in to your account here.